![Very Happy](https://www.thegsresources.com/_forum/core/images/smilies/biggrin.png)
And the story begins...
About 2 weeks ago, I bought yet another basket case '798 GS1000E missing practically everything:
Fuel tank
Tail section
Brake light and all turn signals
So, just for giggles, today (while not being followed around by children in the OT section: http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...=176571&page=5),
I tried to make it run!
After installing a fully charged battery and a couple of spare ground wires, I turned the key on and hit the starter button... nothing!
So,I crossed the starter solenoid and it turned over but no spark.
I noticed that whatever this is, was missing:
So off to one of my trusty '79 L model parts bikes I go (that IS ALL that they are good for after all.
and stole one to install on this E model. Still no spark.
Then I find (using a glass fuse type CIRCUIT BREAKER) that it STILL has voltage with the key off!
Then, I thought that the points were probably F'd up and checked them:
Sure enough, they were buggered up real good. I used some trusty (don't ever do this) SANDPAPER and cleaned the buggers up.
Still no spark!
Moving around the wiring on the nakid bike looking for shorted wires, I find 6 wires that appear to be welded together.
(forgot to take a before pic.
I then carefully separated them from each other and still has power with the key off!
4 of the wires ran to the problematic rectifier!:
Back to the trusty '79 L parts bike.
I get a very nice (no burned wires/original tag still legible) rectifier.
Before simply dirrect wiring it to the E model and possibly destroying a good part,
I decided to just cut the 4 wires and leave them out into the atmosphere.
I just might be on to something now.
I sprayed some carb cleaner into the carb-less intake manifolds:
And I now have a running bike!
And soon, a new thread on gathering parts laying around my GS graveyard/storage sheds and making it a
multi-colored, complete rideable bike!
If I can figure it out, any of you can.