I have read most if not all the posts by posplayr and grounding in general.
I am in the low-voltage cabling business and grounding plays a big part in my everyday work.
Data centers all use a centralized grounding system that grounds to a central point and most utilize a buss bar as that central point.
I was surfing one day looking for connectors and other electrical parts when I came across this from WholesaleMarine dot com:
Sea Dog Bakelite Buss Bar - 10 Terminal
The unit two 1/4" lugs, one at each end, and 10 screw terminals arrayed between the lugs.
The bar is mounted in a plastic base that has two mounting holes near the ends.
I ordered this without thinking where I might mount it.
When it showed up I found that it is the same length as my battery box.
I bolted the whole unit to the side of the battery box.
I ran 2 #8 stranded copper cables from the 1/4" posts on each end to both the engine casing and the battery negative.
Since the bar is mounted to the side of the battery box I just crimped an eyelet to the ground of the R/R and attached that to the large post as well.
I removed all the stock eyelets from all system grounds and then brought them all to the buss bar with new connections.
I also ran a new ground from the bar to the starter solenoid and another to the R/R base.
This has accomplished the single point ground that posplayr has been a proponent of , and I believe relieves the crowded feel to the single point connection at the r/r.
Unfortunately I am sitting in a hotel room 250 miles from my bike so pictures will have to wait.
Total cost of parts was around 20$ as the buss bar was only 9.50 but shipping was almost as much from Wholesale Marine.
Testing showed that at any point in the system I had a maximum of .02 ohms of resistance
I coupled this mod with adding a 80mm cooling fan from a PC power supply to the R/R for cooling.
I ran the power for the fan with the black "sense" wire from my Honda R/R and attached the ground directly to the buss bar.
I tested the whole setup in 5 minute intervals and found no heat buildup.
Hopefully this will be a help to others!!