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Radio issues

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    Radio issues

    I'm having trouble with a new radio install, I've searched the archives but only find radio shack and the like nothing on an actual radio install.

    I bought a simple motorcycle radio from ebay (China). It is very simple to connect: 3 leads 1) Battery, 2) Ignition switch, 3) Ground. The problem I'm having is it works fine with the engine off but once the engine starts it locks up. Read that as no sound, no ability to adjust the tuning. I've tried the normal noise reducing devices for car audio I've tried some simple caps no luck at all. I've also tried several different connecting points for the radio, meaning I've tried the aux fuse (for both the battery lead and the ignition lead for testing purposes) I've tried going directly to the battery, currently and the way I'd like it to work, I have the battery lead connected to the aux fuse, the ignition lead is going to the coil relay and the ground is also connected the the coil relay ground to the frame.

    I'm riding a 82' GS550lz if that helps.....

    Any suggestions would be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would say that the "battery wire" is just for maintaining the station presets.
    And the "ignition swtich wire" is what really powers it.

    Connecting both to any power source like the aux fuse is a good test.

    WHen you say the radio doesnt receive any thing, might the problem be noise from the ignition sparks? Is it buzzing whizzing that changes with engine rpm? DO you have the motorcycle sparkplug caps that have the resistors? (automotive spark plug caps dont have the resisitres because they expect the wires are the resistor type.)

    I wonder if maybe your ground at the coil relay isnt a very good ground, is okay untill other current trying to go thru it.
    Isnt there a ground terminal at the fuse box right next to the aux fuse terminal?

    Last edited by Redman; 07-08-2011, 07:47 PM.
    Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
    GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


      That's the strange part the radio can start and work fine (music playing) right until you start the engine..... at that point the music stops there is no sound coming from the speakers of any kind. the radio will no longer tune, meaning you can push the button to change the freq. but no response. You can change the volume but no sound at any level.

      I do not have anything special on the plugs (they're stock NGK plugs and the plug wires are stock) and I would think that might be the problem except there is no sound at all. I've dealt with ignition noise with several other application but with this different. It's almost as if the noise is the same freq as the chip in the radio (All ICs operate on some frequency) and it just messes up the freq in the chip.

      Yes the battery wire is for clock and station memory. The ignition wire runs the unit but it will not run w/o both hooked up.


        Originally posted by 76Mike82 View Post
        I'm having trouble with a new radio install, I've searched the archives but only find radio shack and the like nothing on an actual radio install.

        I bought a simple motorcycle radio from ebay (China). It is very simple to connect: 3 leads 1) Battery, 2) Ignition switch, 3) Ground. The problem I'm having is it works fine with the engine off but once the engine starts it locks up. Read that as no sound, no ability to adjust the tuning. I've tried the normal noise reducing devices for car audio I've tried some simple caps no luck at all. I've also tried several different connecting points for the radio, meaning I've tried the aux fuse (for both the battery lead and the ignition lead for testing purposes) I've tried going directly to the battery, currently and the way I'd like it to work, I have the battery lead connected to the aux fuse, the ignition lead is going to the coil relay and the ground is also connected the the coil relay ground to the frame.

        I'm riding a 82' GS550lz if that helps.....

        Any suggestions would be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!
        First I would check to make sure your charging voltage is not over 15 volts.

        Right at the coil relay is where whatever noise you get from the ignition is going to be the worst.

        This is true for the ground as well as the positive wires.
        try temporarily hooking both the battery and ignition wires directly to the battery, and hooking the ground directly to the battery ground post.

        If that works, you can try moving wires one at a time. you may need to make another relay for the radio.

        If it doesn't work, the next thing I would try is a Snap-Together Ferrite Choke Core. If both positives will go through it, do that, otherwise I guess get 2.

        Or you could try this 2 pack of a different style.

        I have no idea which is more effective.


          Checked voltage, I don't recall exact value but well w/in limits, also I used a 18 volt drill battery to test the radio before install and it worked fine.
          I did hook up the radio directly to the battery (positive only) for just that reason and had the same result.
          I was racking my brain tonight and thought about the ground going to try that tonight.

