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Simplifying the wiring diagram GS850G (Ideas & Helps needed)

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    Simplifying the wiring diagram GS850G (Ideas & Helps needed)

    My plan is too use to clean the wiring diagram into "layers" that pertain to the wiring harness. eg. (coils & ignition, minimum requirement to have a running bike) & (Charging Circuit) & (Lights) & (gear & idiot lights)

    The idea being that if i have a charging issue, i can have an uncluttered drawing of just the required parts involved. Or if i have no spark, then i have that required diagram. I will do the stock drawing, then add the mods advised as seperate drawings.

    It will basically stem down to, If i am stuck in the bush & have 2m of wire, screw driver & wire strippers, i will be able to rewire the bike to get you home.

    My problem is i do not know how to "Break" the layers up. I have attached a rough draft. Pardon my attachment, as its the first time i have done so on a forum.

    If some one is willing to advise me, i will do the leg work. And also if i could get a very good scan of the drawing, as a template.

    Originally posted by Roadkill2 View Post
    My plan is too use to clean the wiring diagram into "layers" that pertain to the wiring harness. eg. (coils & ignition, minimum requirement to have a running bike) & (Charging Circuit) & (Lights) & (gear & idiot lights)

    The idea being that if i have a charging issue, i can have an uncluttered drawing of just the required parts involved. Or if i have no spark, then i have that required diagram. I will do the stock drawing, then add the mods advised as seperate drawings.

    It will basically stem down to, If i am stuck in the bush & have 2m of wire, screw driver & wire strippers, i will be able to rewire the bike to get you home.

    My problem is i do not know how to "Break" the layers up. I have attached a rough draft. Pardon my attachment, as its the first time i have done so on a forum.

    If some one is willing to advise me, i will do the leg work. And also if i could get a very good scan of the drawing, as a template.
    You also need a voltmeter (or at least a 12 volt test light) in addition to the other tools.

    I don't know paint, but could tell you how to do that stuff in autocad ...
    but what you could do in probably any paint type program is a "save as" with another name, (for ex "ignition.bmp") and then just delete/erase everything not related. They would not be layers on the same drawing, but different dwgs.

    All you really need are the ignition system and maybe the charging and possibly headlight systems. All the rest "could" be left till you get home in an emergency.



      Have a look...

      Simplify The Wiring Diagram

      And while I'm here, let me dump a TON if information on you and share some GS850G lovin'.

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