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Can a CDI melt if not grounded?

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    Can a CDI melt if not grounded?

    I own an 81 GS 650 e. when I bought it, it had a fried cdi. He told me its because he didn't ground it. I have the hardest time tryin to find a new cdi. I found one yesterday... But I'm afraid to hook it up because I don't know if a dead short in the wiring might have caused the old one to melt down. So my question is can A cdi meltdown if it's not grounded? Or should I start searching the harness for a short somewhere?

    If it was grounded properly as per the designers intentions, it should not melt. If it was grounded incorrectly then it could likely be toast.
    Do the following:
    Download the service manual and go through section 6 part on testing the ignitor. print out the wiring diagram and identify the wires for the ignitor
    1. Measure resistance of the pickup coils (60 -80 ohms) between brown and black/blue and green/white and black/blue. Make sure all three test infinity to ground.
    2. Check that there is +12v on the orange/white with ignition on
    3. Check that the black/white wire for the ground or the casing to the frame lug has a proper ground on it
    4. Check continuity of the white and black/yellow wires to the coils and that they test infinity to ground when the orange/white +12v is disconnected from the coils
    5. Inspect the connectors

    If all is well plug in and start the bike, just make sure the bike is charging properly. Those ignitors are becoming very scarce and seem to be very sensitive to overvoltage on the charging system

