After posting up an introduction in the "GS owners" section of the forums, the discussion quickly turned to my newly purchased GS450 twin -and more specifically its electrical issues.
I've already been given a lot of helpful advice in that thread but I've moved the topic here as I figured it was more appropriate.
After posting pics of my bike it was determined that It has been fitted with a CDI from an '83, the electrical plate is incorrect, there are points where there should be a cdi pickup, and there is no fuse to be found...
Basically its a mess and my plan is to overhaul the electrics completely. My first thought was to source all model/year correct parts and try to patch it all together as close to stock as possible.
Now I am thinking I will go with the Boyer-Brandsen Micro-Digital Electronic Ignition System, along with a rec/reg unit from Rick's Motorsports (I already have the rec/reg).
Seems to me that this would be a cheaper, more reliable solution than trying to find used oem parts in good working order on Ebay.
I dug through old threads and it seems that Boyer-Brandsen have a good reputation here.
So really I'm just looking for affirmation that the B-B EI unit, along with the new Rec/Reg, would be the way to go...
Am I correct in my understanding that switching to these units does away with the CDI/ignitor box altogether?
The EI unit does utilize the stock coils, I have two pair now so hopefully one will do the trick.
Also the battery is new-ish and seem s to be in good shape.
Thanks in advance for any insight.