I figured would move this particular question to this sub-section, as my other question stemmed from my carburetor thread.
What the bike is doing:
Starts, and runs very well.
I can ride for about 10 minutes before I lose 2 cylinders.
What I've done:
Determined that I have lost spark to the coil responsible for cylinders 2 and 3.
I cut the trigger wires, attached bullet connectors, and swapped the trigger wires from coil A to coil B.
The problem follows this approach.
The coil which gets the BLACK/YELLOW trigger will fail to spark after the bike reaches full operating temperature.
I removed the signal generator cover to visually inspect the unit.
Resistance measured between the terminals for the signal generator is: 360Ω.
The service manual says this value should be between the following tolerance: 120-200Ω.
Because of this, I believe my signal generator may be out of spec.
However, I have read in my searches here the resistance measured can be much higher.
I don't know the answer to that.
Shameless plug: If you have some known good replacements for the igniter, and signal generator please PM me!
