When checking the voltage at the battery with the bike running, at idle I'm getting about 12.6 volts. Kinda low. When I rev it up to 4000 rpm's, it actually drops down to about 12.36 volts. So, the charging system is suspect somewhere.
Ran the test for the stator as spelled out in the stator papers, as well as basscliff's tutorial and the stator passed all three tests. Whew!
I tried testing the R/R with confusing results, and I need some help here from the experts.
1. I tried the first test of leaving it hooked up to the bike, starting the bike and checking the voltage between the positive terminal of the battery (black multimete lead) and the red output of the R/R (red multimeter lead). The papers say that if it is less than 0.2 volts, then that connection is good. The only way I could put the multimeter lead to the red output, while leaving it connected to the bike was to cut off the connector, strip the wires and twist them back together, leaving them exposed. That's what I did. The readings were strange as the meter kept jumping around from .03 volts to .07 volts, up to .1 volts and back, just all over the place not staying on one reading. Doesn't sound right to me.
2. The next test says to check between the negative battery terminal (red multimeter lead)and the black/white wire coming from the R/R (black multimeter lead), but leaving it all connected to the bike. Well, that wire is connected right to the negative battery terminal, and of course when I put the red multimeter lead to the negative battery, and the black multimeter lead to the connector on the R/R (which is connected to that battery terminal anyway), the reading is zero volts. To be expected I think.
3. The next test for the R/R says to set your multimeter to the diode test position. I don't know what that is and don't see any setting on my meter that says "diode". I don't know how to proceed here.
The good news is that the stator tests out ok.
