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Charging issues!!!!!

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    Add another ground wire from negative on battery to mounting bolt/screw at R/R and from there to the frame.
    Report back.
    You have already cleaned all of your electrical connectors in the wire harness, right?



      Bastard gave me hope!

      My r/r is a bastard! They had the "Back to the Bricks" in Flint this weekend, so I was kind of excited my bike was maintaining a charge. Well, that notion quickly died, as I noticed my blinker light was fading, then all of a sudden not showing. Rev the engine, and there it appeared. Short story, I raced it home before I killed the battery.

      Got home and checked the voltage. She was at 9.5v. Key on, Almost 9v. She is back on the battery charger now.

      I did check the battery to engine ground and got "OL".

      Anyways, I was gonna take my battery to Auto Zone to have it load tested, but, there is no doubt in my mind that it's a good battery. I've only had it for a couple of months from the Yammie. I will probably do it anyways, just to alleviate any nagging feeling I have that it may be the battery though.

      I guess I'll have to buy a new r/r off ebay soon! I love blowing money on this bike!


        Little battery can, with the rigors of uncountable start up attempts,not being charged by bike system at all/partially?, and being basically, constantly depleated may suffer damage through all of that activity.some batteries hold up better than others,some don't.Have it checked anyhow.You may read reasonable voltage figure w/no load on it,turn ignition on w/headlight and use starter:big load for any battery new/good.old/good.A sub-par no good battery will not accept and store electron reserves,your charging system could be fine but it needs to fill up battery w/energy,a known good battery.A bad battery not accepting proper/correct DC voltage will/can destroy a good R/R,affect AC stator as well,bring it all down,overheat and melt wires etc. Regroup w/knowledge of battery condition at least,if you installed spade connectors triple check them,make sure none loosened up crimps, are connected male to female proper and none have burned/melted through and have created shorts,opens etc. As was mentioned ,check those negative ground points,neg, batt.cable/and all other wires dissconnected from batt. those cable ends to frame cable attachment point,check for continuity measured in ohms,use beeper/buzzer if meter has that feature too.This solve any problem,don't know yet,but you will know what you/bike have or not,good data/ build upon,and maybe rechecks reveal something of note.good weather tomorrow...
        Last edited by Guest; 09-24-2011, 09:31 PM. Reason: spell???


          Howdy All:
          I had a GS850GL that had a very similiar charging issue.
          Always had to put on charger after a ride.
          Checked everything. The stator output seemed OK at high RPM, but it was not generating enough at low RPMs (where you actually spend a lot of time).
          If you didn't have to power the headlight/taillight you might get by.
          You need to see if the stator puts out at low RPMs.
          My problem ended up being the magnets in the rotor.
          I'll guess the previous owner had overheated the bike a bunch.
          Heat ruins magnets. So there was weak output. I could get by if I kept the RPMs way up, but then it got hot quick.
          The rotor looks like a small brake drum. I never did get another one, sold the bike.
          Another possibility is the stator, being a WYE configuration may have a weak junction where all 3 fields are coupled together, but you would think that each field would put out a different voltage then (resistive connection). Not much chance of fixing that, unless you can see it and beef it up with solder. If you've tried different stators already, suspect the rotor.
          Good Luck,


            Hmm . . .

            Charged the battery to 12.7v, and left it outside overnight, and woke up to it at 12.2v. Gonna take it to Auto Zone in a few to have it load tested.

            Wizard- I have gone through the Stator papers already, and the stator checks out, along with the diode check of the r/r. However, with the stator checking out, I just have to assume the charging issue is with the r/r. Thanks for the tip about the rotor though!

            Just got back from Auto Zone: Bad battery! I have another battery that came with this bike. Hopefully it's good! It's on the charger now.
            Last edited by Guest; 09-25-2011, 12:05 PM.


              Little battery;"heart" of DC voltage yours,treat it good . Pulling for You and Su Zu Ki...


                Good comment

                I like your spirit Elrico!


                  You might.. it's because it is actually yours, reflecting back.You are like Celtic Warrior w/Suzuki project,BraveHeart:to stick with it,


                    If I was only so lucky!

                    Yuppers, put a different battery on her, and she wound down to 8v in a little over a couple hours riding. Oh well, new r/r here we come!


                      Waz ya gonna take batt. #2 for electric chair load test at Zone... did you ride 2hrs. constant or do some start and go,start and go,how many miles total,wow i sound like some dad or PO,watch out for ballon test,just kidding,maybe we have tea someday,got good kettle?


                        I should take it there. But, if they tell me I have two bad batteries . . .


                          Two bad too bad. Better to know though:risk of destroying what is still good of charging/elect.system is possible/likely..cost,time,labor $$$...But my BIG concern is you at risk test/riding motorcycle that can will crap out in front of:you name it------ at any time... or like when fire/smoke erupted under motorcyce seat(R/R on meltdown etc.) while my wife was riding it in past...if testing in place ,use 1 or better 2 window/floor on high or if on road(!!!!!) stay CLOSE to home base,I traveled/tested on my home road ,up and dwn,back and forth, approx.1 mi. range,sometimes I put 5-10mi. doing that.when bike crap out the push will be no more than 1/2 mi and that ain't good either on dirt/gravel/mud,rotten road,w/ bad:hips,back,both hands neck,shoulder,foot etc.and my "older" age..Got MoTow?,I do. I know/realize the "frustration" of the motorcycle situation,our season, nice weather days hit and miss,bike PIA,etc.and when you test ride,man ,it feels good to just ride the thing, even with all the flaws/problems,but please use best judgement, you will be one day be rewarded beyond expectations ,if you be safe and mindfull,do what has to be done(properly),the best is yet to come; over and out.
                          Last edited by Guest; 09-26-2011, 01:57 PM. Reason: additional thought


                            Gotta Love The Spirit!


                            Your words keep me inspired! Thanks for the words of wisdom. I will take the other battery to Auto Zone later on in the day when I got a minute.


                              Good..,as the time i wrote this maybe million(s) of new batts, made in China,Asia..USA..somewhere waiting for You/Me/All , if any may need them. Puttin" the kettle on..beyond bottle spirits now...maybe some day,if good puntcheen show up and have craic time,nevernot. You sound like GS guy,very;batt/load test/checks.
                              Last edited by Guest; 09-26-2011, 04:37 PM. Reason: SPell bad


                                Battery was good!

                                Good news: battery was good! However, I still have to replace my r/r. That will have to wait a couple of weeks till I have some extra play money.

