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Dyna conversion
Dyna conversion
1st attempt at posting on the site...don't know if I'm doing this the right way. Recently replaced the ignition on my 82 1100G with the dyna set up and a mechanical advancer from an older GS1000. Would like any kind of reply from anyone to learn how to post and recieve info. Thanx, maroon 12
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Looks like you have it figured out. Welcome to the GSR. Ray"Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded" -Yogi Berra
GS Valve Shim Club http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...d.php?t=122394
1978 GS1000EC Back home with DJ
1979 GS1000SN The new hope
1986 VFR700F2 Recycled
Dyna conversion
Thanx Ray for replying. I may be able to help someone who has an ignitor box problem and wants to eliminate the box altogether. I did it with the dyna S 3-2 for about 1/3 of the cost of another ignitor box and got a boost in power and better gas economy to boot. Do I revisit the dyna conversion title to check on responses? Thanx, Dick Collentine Chicago, il.