Those are certainly a deal, given the included swtich and wiring. Keep in mind also, though, that an unsealed toggle switch of the type shown will not endure well on a motorcycle unless one pots the body with RTV or some sealer and installs a rubber switch boot over the handle.
As long as you manage to run the wires through some conduit to avoid flexing in a small area, all should be well. Anchoring a larger conduit onto the throttle grip will be more challenging than the small 1/8" nylon but can be done. Hein Gerike mold the wire leads into the grips which is a great touch but beyond my abilities:
Hmm, I wonder about that rubberized tool handle dip..?...
The 3 Watt indicated power must be a typo. More likely 30 Watts or even more likely 3 amps. at 14.5 volts which would be 44 Watts as are the ones I make from the Belden wire.
Wattage is a strange rating because it is a derivative which is typically published without the voltage when advertising consumer goods. The implication is that it is a 12 volt device but that would not typically mean that it is intended/rated for 12 volt supply because no vehicle or common battery system operates at 12 volts. A reasonable rule of thumb for vehicle charging systems operating at cooler temperatures is in the range of 14.2 to 14.8 volts. A device rated at 44 Watts at 12 volts would typically rate in the 53 Watt range with a vehicle charging system in operation.
Forgot to acknowledge Wizard's mention of the low heat effect when switching with MOSFETS. Those have really turned the electrical power management on it's ear. Amazing stuff compared to the old days!
Fun thread. Maybe something is useful? Please keep us in the loop if someone installs those foil kits as that's about 10% of what those used to sell for in the shops.