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r/r replace

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    r/r replace

    ye sm going to replac emy r/r cuse it burnt up on me. i ve done soem reasearch and have come up with this Shindengen FH012AA is this item a good replacement. the install is pretty staright foward

    Yes, that is an updated unit that uses FET transisitors to do the switching for the regulator. Should work just fine, just make sure you have good, solid connections to your power wire and ground.

    mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
    hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
    #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
    #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
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      Honda superdream r/r


        Thats one of the best to replace it with if I'm not mistaken, a 50amp model, usually expensive even used.


          I am not sure I'll have to look at what we got but I believe that is also the recomended regulator to use with the Shorie Batteries. They say some of the older style regulators over heat the Lithium batteries and that is when they have the fires. We'll be some of the first to know.
          1984 GS1100GK newest addition to the heard
          80 GS 1000gt- most favorite ride love this bike
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          If it isn't going to make it faster or safer it isn't worth doing


            I believe its also only a 5 wire, no sense wire either, and you'll need to use spade connectors unless you get a piece of the original harness thats from a R1 Yamaha, maybe some FJR's, I've got a 40 amp FH-008EB with pigtails coming, these show up on ebay more frequently for less $$$ than the 12AA.


              Originally posted by hjfisk View Post
              I am not sure I'll have to look at what we got but I believe that is also the recomended regulator to use with the Shorie Batteries. They say some of the older style regulators over heat the Lithium batteries and that is when they have the fires. We'll be some of the first to know.
              I've been concerned that these newer FET's were better off with some newer stator designs, My son's 2007 ninja came with the good old SH style R/R, use since late seventies. Besides, the FH R/R's are expensive compared to the older SH units. A 1980 Shindengen R/R works fine with a 200 watt charging system - runs cool and very stable above idle.
              1981 gs650L

              "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin


                My r/r went bad last summer. I installed the Shindengen and it's been perfect ever since. The most important thing about any r/r is making sure that the connection between the stator and the r/r is solid and not corroded in any way. This requires a good installation and regular maintenance if you have a block connector, but only good installation if you solder the wires together.

