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intermittent brake light failure
intermittent brake light failure
i am having a intermittent brake light failure, it seems my brake light wont work if i turn of the lights. with the light on it works when it wants to and sometimes even stays on. with the lights on low or high it has a mind if its own. doesent really make a difference if i use the rear, front or both but i have noticed when i use the front it sometimes will come on and go back off but then sometimes it will come on and stay oni have disassembled the front brake switch and cleaned the contact it did not seem to help any. was wondering if any1 has encountered a problem like this before or has any suggestions
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Look at the brown waffle board and youll notice that at one end of the 2 contact rails is a round raised spot molded into it. That round spot has to be on the end that goes toward the end of the bars. When you squeeze the lever, the U shaped thing rides down off thatb raised spot and shorts across the rails to complete the circuit..when you let go the U shaped thing rides back up on the raised spot and breaks contact and the light goes out. You may have the board in backwards.. Then you have to just keep the 2 screws just a tad loose and slide the waffle board around with a small flat tip till you find the sweet spot where they work just as you squeeze the lever. Tighten the screws and recheck the lever a few times. On the back..Youll see that the switch is held on the mount with a jamming nut system. Loosen the nuts and adjust them up or down till you get the foot lever set as you like it.Last edited by chuck hahn; 05-18-2012, 11:34 PM.MY BIKES..1977 GS 750 B, 1978 GS 1000 C (X2)
1978 GS 1000 E, 1979 GS 1000 S, 1973 Yamaha TX 750, 1977 Kawasaki KZ 650B1, 1975 Honda GL1000 Goldwing, 1983 CB 650SC Nighthawk, 1972 Honda CB 350K4, 74 Honda CB550
I would rather trust my bike to a "QUACK" that KNOWS how to fix it rather than a book worm that THINKS HE KNOWS how to fix it.
had a bad bulb the spring was broke but making connection sometimes.
took apart the front light switch cleaned it and put some dielectric grease on it so it wont stick, seems to be working properly thanks for the help