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Uncle Mike's BIKE Dead on Chicago Expressway - Coil question
Current Status
Mike's battery was dead, he now owns a new one.
He has all the materials and tools he needs to:
Test the wiring harness for any shorts.
If no shorts present, I have designed a circuit that should get him back on the road. Together he and I should be able to implement and test the circuit.
Please note, that is a pretty big "If". We won't know anything about the harness until we test it, but the test circuit will be fuse protected, so if there is a short it won't take anything else out with it. If there is an Open somewhere upstream, we will have to step back and re-assess.
Okay, parts have been acquired and I've managed to make it back. Driving anywhere in Chicago seems to take quite a long time.
I have yet to eat or take care of any of my daily duties, so I'm going to grab something, hop in the shower and then tackle this wiring mess.
Updates to follow at the situation warrants.
Thank you again to everyone who has contributed here.
Good luck with it, Mike! The family and I have a commitment in Kenosha, WI this evening at 7pm, so will be leaving the house around 5:30pm and back between 10pm and midnight. If you want to come by before that and stay over you're welcome to hang out while we're gone (and have access to the messy garage and tools) and stay over.
On the other hand, if you're going to stay over in the city and want to swing by tomorrow, I believe I am free all day, so just PM me (or call) with your game plan and we'll go from there. I'll probably plan to do some form of grilling tomorrow (either lunch or dinner), so hope you'll join us if you don't take off for the wild blue yonder before then!
Good luck, Mike...
The fuse box is sitting on my workbench...
If you get her going, but would feel more comfortable replacing the box for your trip, you are welcome to it.
Just let me know...Bob T. ~~ Play the GSR weekly photo game: Pic of Week Game
'83 GS1100E ~ '24 Triumph Speed 400 ~ '01 TRIUMPH TT600 ~ '67 HONDA CUB
Gentlemen, we have success. All lights are operational and she charges perfectly.
Bob, if you don't mind I would like to use your fuse box and buy you another. While I'm sure George's design is without reproach, my own skills are most likely in question.
Also, the guys at O'Reilly's told me it was an acid battery they sold me. I didn't even check but it's indeed an AGM, so no worries there.
For now, I'm going to relax and catch up on some of the sleep I've missed this past week.
Bob, I'll leave it up to you when would be the best time for me to stop by. Just let me know as you've already accommodated me plenty this week.
This was a hell of a team effort, guys. I'm damned impressed.
Good deal!
Mike I will PM you my address. I plan to be home all day tomorrow, just give me a little heads about what time you might come by.
Way to go, George!Bob T. ~~ Play the GSR weekly photo game: Pic of Week Game
'83 GS1100E ~ '24 Triumph Speed 400 ~ '01 TRIUMPH TT600 ~ '67 HONDA CUB
Originally posted by UncleMike View PostGentlemen, we have success. All lights are operational and she charges perfectly.
Bob, if you don't mind I would like to use your fuse box and buy you another. While I'm sure George's design is without reproach, my own skills are most likely in question.
Also, the guys at O'Reilly's told me it was an acid battery they sold me. I didn't even check but it's indeed an AGM, so no worries there.
For now, I'm going to relax and catch up on some of the sleep I've missed this past week.
Bob, I'll leave it up to you when would be the best time for me to stop by. Just let me know as you've already accommodated me plenty this week.
This was a hell of a team effort, guys. I'm damned impressed.Originally posted by Baatfam View PostGood deal!
Mike I will PM you my address. I plan to be home all day tomorrow, just give me a little heads about what time you might come by.
Way to go, George!
Mike/Bob, if you guys are in to some company tomorrow for the fuse box swap, I might entertain dropping by to join the "party." If so, I'll need your address too, Bob. I know I have it somewhere, but forgot where it's been filed, hehe!
Guys, I just want to give credit where credit is due: Brian (bwringer) told me to look at the fuse block. All I did was the grunt work, tracing wires, drawing up a circuit to bypass the fuseblock. And Mike, bless his soul, did the physical work while I sat here playing Left 4 Dead 2. On the plus side, there are many thousands fewer zombies on the earth this evening.
Bob, do me a favor and do a Sanity Check before replacing the fuse block. What I failed to have Mike do (hey, there were zombies waiting to die) was to verify that the circuit I designed and he implemented brought the voltage back to the fuse block.
Here is what you need to do:
Dismount the fuse block but do not disconnect the electrical connector.
Find the O/G (Orange/Green) wire and a nice copper piece to place your voltmeter probe.
Turn on the switch but do not start the engine.
The O/G wire should register a nominal 12V.
If anywhere close to that he is GTG with a fuse block swap.
If not, he is better off with my circuit, with electrical tape to reinforce his crimps, and your fuse block as a backup.
From everything I saw on the diagram, there should be 12V there. No reason why not. Except that it is an almost 30 year old motorcycle. Good thing I don't have any of those parked in my....wait...never mind.
Good luck Mike, it was nice talking to you and I hope we can meet up some day and swap lies, err stories.
Brian, it looks like you've been added to the long (and ever-growing) list of guys I need to buy a beer (or twelve) for. Thanks, man. I'd taking a plane home sans bike without you guys.