But first.. The first thing i did after buying the bike, was to have it serviced. I handed it in at our local bike shop (Zigomc.no).
It was carried out normal service with oil change, filter and spark plugs.
I thought I would get a long list of things that needed to be done with the bike.
But they said it was in surprisingly good condition.
I picked up the bike at Zigo after the summer holidays. But then I notice a kind of rattle in front down at the engine. I can not find any loose parts ..
I drive back to Zigo and ask them to help me. But they say only that the old bikes can have some noises here and there, and says there is nothing to worry about ..
Back to that first beautiful spring day.
I'm taking a 60 min trip. On my way home, the "sound" got worse .. Suddenly, the bike jumps from 4 th gear and straight into neutral. I kick it into 5th gear and the "sound" is all gone. I am 5 minutes from home, so I continued home.
A few days later I'll take me a ride again.
But do not start the bike. I can hear the starter whirring. I open the cover of the starting clutch. Where can I find this:
Well OK..
I need parts..
Can someone please help me?
Part no 12600-49850 STARTER CLUTCH SET.
Do i need a brand new one?