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spark plugs - are they telling me anything ?

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    Status Report

    GK is getting everything ready. I sent him the list of things he needs to do to prepare for this.
    Unfortunately, since it is an international call I cannot walk him through it over the phone ($$$).
    Therefore I am doing a write-up for GK and will send it to him this afternoon. In a perfect world all will be GTG tomorrow and he will be back on the road.


      KK, I replied to your pm, Thanks

      I am out and about getting all the crap I need, to get the old girl back up and running

      We still might be able to do the phone call thingy, I do have calling cards we use here, it might work out we shall see, I will get one of those as well

      The write up will be great, and if I can follow it, maybe we can post it here for future reference for others that might need it.

      Well off to the stores I go,,,,,dammit I need to get a fan,,,,,maybe I can swipe one from work of someones

      Spyug, keep that beer cold, and the carb tune for the ready, maybe we don't need it, but the beer we will for sure....hope to be on the road by tomorrow



        together again

        OK so the bike is back together again....

        need to get an aux tank, and a fan....

        out the door soon to do this

        plugs are clean, screws out 1.5 turns, battery is in at least that still works, all the cables and wires has been buttoned up and ready to go....



          Excellent. I am going to pass the procedure off to bwringer for proofreading and try to get a short ride in before it starts to storm.


            Plugs all cleaned up, and put back in (sorry no pics) even a bit of anti seize on the threads, and I got all I needed for my IV Station....hahahahaha I think it looks good, cap from a bottle of gear oil, bottle was not given to me just the cap, old bottle of motor oil, top cut, wires added to support, cap installed and taped really good, hopefully it will not leak ( I will test latter ) stand is from my industrial lighting, big halogen lights were removed, and it's been set in place....

            Good to go......



              Put some gas in it and start tuning!
              After it gets warm that is.



                Tuning tomorrow.....

                gonna go and eat now....been running around all day, getting this setup, still need a fan

                soon guys, very soon.....



                  Why do you need a fan?
                  Just how long does it take to screw with a few screws?



                    Well I didn't get one, don't have one and am not going to buy one just to take it back, hopefully it won't take long, to screw with the screws, did the carb sync and didn't use no fan, so maybe I can get this done as well, if I hurry and do it right...

                    so tomorrow I will do it....



                      All I can offer is moral support GK.

                      You'll get it, I'm sure!


                        You should be fine without it. I've never used a fan, just don't let it run for hours straight. 15 or 20 minutes at a session but you won't need that anyway.

                        Waiting to hear of your success.
                        Good luck,


                          Well not any gret news, here is what I have just sent to KK

                          Hey ....

                          well not really, no better no worse...

                          I will go into detail in the thread, but quickly

                          bike wouldn't run and idle at the 1.5 setting, so I turned them out and set them at 2, now I was able to have the bike running, idle, blip the throttle, she came back to idle, turned off the bike, restarted, idle nice etc....

                          put the tank back on, put gas in it, took ot for a run, seemed to be OK, but came up to a stop sign, geared down from 3rd to 2nd, to 1st, held clutch in for the last few feet, stoped and she died, hit the start button she started up and off I went. got home pulled into the driveway, geared down to first, clutch in, stopped and she held idle.

                          turned her off and went to get ready for work...

                          I can only play around with it a bit more tomorrow, but after work doing a 8am to 4pm shift.

                          I don't see it being any better, or any worse
                          she is still acting up and dying out on me, even though it was only once, it was one too many times.

                          I have not looked at the plugs yet, or done any more today, just ran out of time and a desire to continue troubleshooting....

                          I managed to nick the tank as I was putting it back in place, now I have some paint missing, fortunately it's at the front near the neck area, not very visible but it's there, will have to do a bit of touch up, ohhhhh the joy

                          I do have some video of the bike and how it was running, if it helps I can upload it, but it's just the bike at idle, blipping the throttle to about 3 grand, and she settles back down back to about 1250....

                          It's the part of her dying out at a stop, that is troublesome.....

                          So what's next......maybe a silent auction....LOL



                            GK, please post a pic of your plugs. I will wager they are still black.


                              I will, but it won't be until after midnight, and if I get to them....I have to be back in for work at 8 a.m. after tonights shift....




                                No hurry, just before you ride it again take the pics, please. And after you do, give them a quick clean so you start with fresh color.

