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spark plugs - are they telling me anything ?

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    Did you set your idle well after the engine got hot?
    Cowboy Up or Quit. - Run Free Lou and Rest in Peace

    1981 GS550T - My First
    1981 GS550L - My Eldest Daughter's - Now Sold
    2007 GSF1250SA Bandit - My touring bike

    Sit tall in the saddle Hold your head up high
    Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die
    and don't be scared, just enjoy your ride - Chris Ledoux, "The Ride"


      Originally posted by koolaid_kid View Post
      No hurry, just before you ride it again take the pics, please. And after you do, give them a quick clean so you start with fresh color.
      I will try for tonight, and upload them

      Originally posted by cowboyup3371 View Post
      Did you set your idle well after the engine got hot?
      yes, idle seems to be fine, even after riding around for a bit, up and down and around, I pulled into the driveway, in first, clutch in, stopped, idle was normal about 1250, put her in neutral and turned her off


        screws at 2.0 turns and plugs after riding 1 and 4

        Sorry about the delay...

        But here are the plugs fresh out of the bike from the other day...

        Settings are screws out 2.0 turns, and these are 1 and 4 plugs

        bike idled, ran fine, but it did stall out on me once during my small ride, about 10-15 minutes

        plugs have been cleaned and put back into the bike, it was suggested to now turn the screws in (clockwise) only a 1/4 turn and run the test again...

        I will try to do this either today or tomorrow,,,,,it rained all day, and roads are wet and slick right now, so road testing will have to wait, but I will turn in the screws and see if she will at least start and hold idle

        comments and suggestions are welcome....


        I will try for better pics on the next go around...



          If everything else is okay with the bike, the carbs are clean, coils good, no air leaks/fuel delivery problems, have you given any consideration to your dying being from a dragging clutch?

          EDIT- this of course, only applies if it is dying out on you when are coming to a stop and braking with the clutch lever pulled in. If it's dying out while idling around, then it might not be relevant

          I'm just putting that thought out there...
          '83 GS650G
          '83 GS550es (didn't like the colours in the 80's, but they've grown on me)


            Those plugs show a rich condition. Now if you turn the screws in its only going to go richer. I don't see that sorting anything.

            Does Big D's thoughts make any sense in your situation. I thought that is what was happening but i'm getting a bit fuzzy on all the things we've talked about.



              A/F mix screw direction

              Originally posted by spyug View Post
              Those plugs show a rich condition. Now if you turn the screws in its only going to go richer. I don't see that sorting anything.


              I believe you have VMitis. Turning the A/F mix screws in on the CVs will make them leaner (deliver less gasoline)
              '83 GS650G
              '83 GS550es (didn't like the colours in the 80's, but they've grown on me)


                Originally posted by BigD_83 View Post
                If everything else is okay with the bike, the carbs are clean, coils good, no air leaks/fuel delivery problems, have you given any consideration to your dying being from a dragging clutch?

                EDIT- this of course, only applies if it is dying out on you when are coming to a stop and braking with the clutch lever pulled in. If it's dying out while idling around, then it might not be relevant

                I'm just putting that thought out there...
                Hmmmm, could this be it ?

                I am riding at speed, stop sign or red light is coming up, I will start to gear down, 4th, go a bit, 3rd, go a bit, 2nd go a bit, down to first hold clutch in apply brakes to come to a full stop usually within a few feet, plant feet on ground, still holding clutch in, if it's a red light I will find neutral and release clutch, that is if car behind me is already stopped, if not, clutch stays, bike stay in first, wait for green, or if it's a stop sign, I will stop and gas her, release clutch and go....

                maybe I am doing something wrong ? now that would be cool



                  Originally posted by GateKeeper View Post
                  it was suggested to now turn the screws in (clockwise) only a 1/4 turn and run the test again...
                  Exactly. Turn all four of them in that 1/4 turn and try it again.



                    to add...

                    screws turned in a 1/4 turn, started bike, adjusted idle, warmed up, and she is running, blip throttle revs go up and come back idle about 1500 give or take

                    only problem, can't do a road test right's wet, and I have to run an errand....

                    Last edited by Guest; 09-04-2012, 07:13 PM.


                      Originally posted by GateKeeper View Post
                      Hmmmm, could this be it ?

                      I am riding at speed, stop sign or red light is coming up, I will start to gear down, 4th, go a bit, 3rd, go a bit, 2nd go a bit, down to first hold clutch in apply brakes to come to a full stop usually within a few feet, plant feet on ground, still holding clutch in, if it's a red light I will find neutral and release clutch, that is if car behind me is already stopped, if not, clutch stays, bike stay in first, wait for green, or if it's a stop sign, I will stop and gas her, release clutch and go....

                      maybe I am doing something wrong ? now that would be cool

                      I re-read post #22.

                      It sounds like the bike was dying in neutral, as well when you are in first with the clutch pulled in. That pretty much discounts a dragging clutch...
                      '83 GS650G
                      '83 GS550es (didn't like the colours in the 80's, but they've grown on me)


                        Folks, I just finished doing this to my GPz last week. Here is what happened for me: I tuned it on the kickstand until it behaved correctly (using the procedure I wrote). I took it for a test ride. It died at stop signs, indicating a rich condition. I went back home, turned them in 1/4 turn (even though it did not run correctly before at that setting). Went for a test ride, it was better but not perfect. Kept this up until it ran just dandy. It was leaner than it was when I was tuning on the kickstand. I suspect, but cannot confirm, that it was due to the fact that the tuning was not under real world conditions.
                        I just rode it all the way across town and back, on city streets, lots of stop signs and stop lights. Perfect. I cannot be more pleased. It will work, GK, you just need a bit more patience. You are almost there. I did have to adjust the idle speed using the center screw once everything was sorted out.


                          KK....I am listening to you and following your procedures, I do have the patience, just ran out of time.....LOL and dry roads, the next few days are supposed to be warm and dry, so I will be able to continue with the adjustments...

                          right now as said, I have her starting, running, idling, screws at 1.75 turn out, going by 1/4 quarter increments now, and I just have to go for a run, and pull the plugs once again to see how they look...

                          I am sure we will get there....



                            here is a clip of the bike as she is setup in the last post

                            right now as said, I have her starting, running, idling, screws at 1.75 turn out, going by 1/4 quarter increments now, and I just have to go for a run, and pull the plugs once again to see how they look..
                            click on the pic to start the video


                              Sounds really good, nice and smooth. Most excellent.
                              I jump every time I see your speedometer. 240 mph! Is that a Busa? Then I remember it is in km/h. LOL.
                              Don't bother to pull the plugs again. We needed to know it was running rich, and those plugs confirmed it.
                              So close, so close.


                                So with that,,,,,maybe I can take it to work in the morning all think it will make it there and back.....I am running out of cars for everyone, and if I use the bike it will be easier....

                                my only concern is I have not taken it out on the road, so I am uncertain....

                                what do you guys think ?

                                at least I will be able to test it out somewhat....

