As noted by the other members, it is a simple enough procedure. Remove the switch lock mechanism from the upper tripple tree then remove the module from the bottom of the lock (one small screw). Once the module is free, the two plastic halves can be seperated and you get this:

The disk in my hand are the contacts which are connected on the other side to the wires going to the small green connector to the harness. The contacts on the left side spaced further apart are for power to the headlight and taillight. The contact toward the center is power in (red wire) the other is power out to the kill switch/start button (orange).
The other disk carries the jumpers that when rotated via the lock mechanism jump the contacts to flow power back out and simultaneously send power to the head and tail lights. The jumpers are aligned in the "On" position and you can see where the bumps would touch the contacts when the halves are reassembled. But here in lies my dilemma.
When plugged into the harness in this position, i.e. key on, I have power in and out but I do not have power to either light. I believe I can tell why. There is no method of power from the "in" contact getting to the contacts for the lights. There is just no way that I can see to arrange the jumpers to line up such that they would transfer power.
I was very careful in dissasembly and made markings on the case to line things up and the jumpers only slot in one way to the plate that carries them. Looking at the reverse of the plate there is no connector between the jumpers and nothing fell out during dissassembly and yet at one point it all worked (and for 29 years or so).
I've cleaned and tested the spare one I have and it is exactly same and doesn't power the lights either. I am at a loss to understand this.
Can anyone explain this or tell me what I'm missing?
As always all comments are appreciated.