I recently replaced the stator in the 850 and it does not seem to be charging. I am trying to run through the Stator Papers and I need a little clarification. I had the meter on the battery and it is reading 11.7 at all rpm, so I am thinking that it is just running off the battery because it was reading 12.3 the other day when I tested it but didn't have time to tear into it.
I am trying to check resistance across the three yellow wires but when I installed it, I used the butt splices that came with the kit I got at RoadsterCycle.com (I also installed a Shindengen SH775 at the same time because I guess I like to complicate things where possible.)
My clarification is: When I checked the resistance, I get a 0.00 for all three tests and I am wondering if that might be because it is 'backtracking' through the R/R instead of going through the stator? I am going to put blade connectors on instead anyway so I can test it properly soon enough, but I was wondering whether the outcome for when I put on the new connectors was a foregone conclusion so I could start planning accordingly.
On a related note, I was able to test the old stator because it was out already and I got the same result (no resistance on all three pairs). Am I correct in thinking that this means the old one is completely bad?
Thanks for any insight you can give.