That's OK, actually ... we're putting on aftermarket signals and brake light anyway (once we figure out where, exactly, the signals mount!)

What's not so OK is, after hours of looking at pictures here on the GSResources, looking at pics we took as we took it apart, and looking at the service manual and parts fiche and ... well, you get the idea.
Tanner cleaned the harness after he took it off; and twice went through and disconnected, sprayed with contact cleaner, and reconnected every junction. We're also using dialectric grease liberally.
We dove in and started, with the most obvious place: The turn signal flasher.
A couple of false starts, and we have almost all of it at least close to where it needs to be.
Here are a couple of specific questions:
We've read the stator papers, and I *think* we've identified the loop that goes up front and then returns. The question: are these the right connections for that loop, and is there a reason not to just connect the W/R (to the front) and W/G (the returnlead) bullets as shown to bypass the loop?

What are these for? It's a 2-wire-into-one-female-bullet (both B/W), bound with a single Y/B female bullet; and the single at top right is Y/G.

From the headlight bucket: I don't have pre-removal photos, and the diagrams in the manual don't seem to show where these two grounds should be tied to the frame?
What do you think the three ring terminals go to? and
What did the PO cut off of this end? (Edit: I think these are to the ignition switch!)

We have the connectors for the handlebars, and the handlebar-end of the harness. We also have identified and located all the indicator lights.
We're replacing the gauge cluster with the Acewell 2853 mini-combo-speedo, so that wiring challenge is waiting down the road.