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Doughy signal light switch?!

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    Doughy signal light switch?!

    Dumb question perhaps, but tell me please.. does your signal light thumb switch click smartly from one location to the other? I just bought a 1980 850G and the switch is..well, like I said.. kind of doughy. It just slides from one side to the other. This cannot be right.

    Signals aren't working either, which is why I'm asking. tried replacing the flasher already but no-go. Thanks in advance!

    My switch has a definite "feel" as it moves right or left. Since your signals aren't working, time to take apart the switch. Be careful, some little parts might drop out so have a box under switch to catch stuff. Used switches come up on ebay regularly, the switch housings are similar from lots of models ,BUT the connector is often different.
    1981 gs650L

    "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin


      You might try a little electrical contact cleaner/lube. it might solve your problem or at least make it feel better .. then time for testing with voltmeter


        same problem. any help is good.

        Originally posted by barnbiketom View Post
        You might try a little electrical contact cleaner/lube. it might solve your problem or at least make it feel better .. then time for testing with voltmeter
        So I cleaned mine out and I checked the voltage going to the signal generator..... Nothing, I checked the oms on the genarater and they are 6 oms. Not sure if that is good or bad. Is there an inline fuse I don't know about? I got the rest of my electrical issues worked out.... I think. also tested at the lights "don't want to take the bike apart over bad bulbs" and didn't get anything.


          Originally posted by GordyTheCook View Post
          So I cleaned mine out and I checked the voltage going to the signal generator..... Nothing, I checked the oms on the genarater and they are 6 oms. Not sure if that is good or bad. Is there an inline fuse I don't know about? I got the rest of my electrical issues worked out.... I think. also tested at the lights "don't want to take the bike apart over bad bulbs" and didn't get anything.
          HUh? the first poster (planetmashers) had a gummy signal switch- seems like you have another problem, which is?????? feel free to start new thread!
          1981 gs650L

          "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin


            Originally posted by Planetsmasher View Post
            Dumb question perhaps, but tell me please.. does your signal light thumb switch click smartly from one location to the other?
            Don't know how "smartly" the clicks are, but there are definite detents.

            You should, however, be aware that there are actually FIVE positions for that switch.

            Numbering them from left to right:
            1. Activates the LEFT signal, and is spring-loaded to return to #2 position.
            2. Holds the LEFT signal ON until the cancelling system turns it off.
            3. Manual cancel of either signal.
            4. Holds the RIGHT signal ON until the cancelling system turns it off.
            5. Activates the RIGHT signal, and is spring-loaded to return to #4 position.

            The spring-loaded positions at the ends will feel a bit "mushy", but the rest of them are rather distinctive.

            mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
            hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
            #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
            #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
            Family Portrait
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            Mom's first ride
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            (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


              Originally posted by tom203 View Post
              HUh? the first poster (planetmashers) had a gummy signal switch- seems like you have another problem, which is?????? feel free to start new thread!
              switch is gummy, no signal. same as he posted. looking into it, looks like a bigger issue then the switch.


                My mushy switch was because the PO had taken it apart at some point and then put it together ass backwards. I tried it a couple of different ways and when I got the dooder right side up, I could tell from the feel that it was obviously working correctly. Still no signals though, but that's another story.

