Well, I have issues with the circuit as I do not seem to be getting any power at the horn terminals. I have a new horn (Fiamm freeway blaster low tone) and was hoping to run it without installing a relay. My understanding is that the amperage of a single Fiamm is not high enough to require it... though I may be interested in adding one later to improve the horn and maybe add a second tone.
So far I have read through this article and I think I understand how the horn circuit works, but I am not confident with electrical stuff and am having trouble determining if I am doing the tests right. I was trying to use my multimeter. It's this one:

Had it set to DCV, with the plugs in the correct terminals. What I found was that I could not get a reading at the hot (green) wire at all, either when grounding directly or trying to use the horn button.
I -think- I also confirmed this when I hooked up the new horn and tested it with no result. But I'm not sure if I had the horn hooked up right...
So now a few questions:
- What is the right way to hook up the horn? Both existing green wires into the 2 terminals, with the existing ground wire (that goes to the horn switch) connected via the mounting bolt (same as the old horn)?
- How do I test the fuses properly with the multimeter? I tried it with the power disconnected, using the ohm setting and touching the leads to both ends of each fuse, and they all read 0 - does that mean they are all good?
- If the fuses are all good, then I have to assume something is junked somewhere along the line from the fuse box to the horn. Does this mean I need to trace the whole harness? Any advice here?
- I discovered that I have a wire connected to my fuse box that is very loose. It came disconnected when I pulled the fuse box out. I tried to tighten the connector and managed to send some sparks flying... I'm guessing I need to disconnect the battery before I go messing with this trying to tighten it up? There's no slack to work with so it's a pain... might need to add some wire. Any suggestions? When this wire is disconnected nothing works... no lights or anything. Freaked me out at first cause I didn't know it had come undone
