I just bought the bike in early April (it was running, but wouldn't go faster than 45 mph so I wouldn't say the bike was in good shape when buying it). The guy who sold it said it has a new battery. I looked at the battery and it's Wal-Mart brand. LOL. My riding buddy says I may just need a new battery, but I want recommendations for a good brand.
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New battery recommendation
New battery recommendation
After riding with a buddy today, my bike wouldn't start up when turning it on from a parking lot. He ended up pushing me while I was in second gear and was able to turn it on. Turned it off, and still wouldn't turn on. Had to do the push and turn on method to get it home.
I just bought the bike in early April (it was running, but wouldn't go faster than 45 mph so I wouldn't say the bike was in good shape when buying it). The guy who sold it said it has a new battery. I looked at the battery and it's Wal-Mart brand. LOL. My riding buddy says I may just need a new battery, but I want recommendations for a good brand.Tags: None
The Everstart from Walmart is fine, I use them in everything. I suggest while you are there you also purchase a float charger by Schumacher (spelling) for around $20.
Originally posted by tkent02 View PostGo through the tests in The Stator Papers before you buy anything. Even Walmart battery should work for a while.
Originally posted by tkent02 View PostJust test the charging system already.