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anyone with a late 80s gs 450 please help

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    anyone with a late 80s gs 450 please help

    I am in desperate need of a late 80s igniter unit pinout diagram. It's the kind with 8 pins and a removable plug. I don't have the plug so I need to know which wire goes to which pin. Please help...

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      I have a wiring diagram, but I need to know what wire goes to which pin individually. Like starting top left with number 1 pin is which wire, #2 pin is which wire and so on and so forth for all 8 pins. I just need someone to post a picture of the plug that goes into the igniter so I can see which wire is which pin


        I guess I'm confused because from where I'm sitting that diagram shows exactly what wires is going into which position.


          If I had an early 80s 450 then yes you would be correct, there are only 6 pins on that wiring diagram, mine has 8, 2 rows of four,


            Go to BikeCliff's website and download the service manual for the GS400-450. It contains 2 manuals, 1 for the 400-450 series and 1 for the GS500. Open the GS400-450 manual and go to page 243/246 of the manual. The ignitor there shows 8 connections.

