Sinice I haven't received the new battery for the bike yet I decided to check out the coil circuit with my trusty DMM. After dis-assemblying and cleaning the contacts in the handle bar kill switch (where I found a fair chunk of the resistance in the coil feed circuit) I am reading 1.4 ohms from the positive battery cable to the harness side of the coil connector, 4.1 ohms across each coil (is this okay? (someone posted that these bikes use 3.0 ohm coils) ), and .5 ohms on the ground side of the coil harness connector back to the battery ground cable.
If I remember my V = IR stuff, a total of 6 ohms in this circuit with a 12.8 volt battery means it carrys ~2.1 amps when loaded (no wonder the spark isn't fat and dark blue).
That means I'm droppin almost 3 volts just to get to the coils. So with a battery putting out 12.8 volts my coils are seeing maybe 10.8 volts (when the engine is NOT being cranked with the starter.

I have not attempted to take the ignition switch a part to see what shape those contacts are in. Heck, I was reading .2 ohms just across the glass ignition fuse! So, what is a realistic voltage at the coils with the coil circuit up to snuff?
And when folks add the coil relay circuit, what kind of resistance does it read between the battery and the coils?
Thanks in advance for any insight into this "invisible" electric stuff.