Here is where I want my work double checked to make sure I am understanding where I am so far. With the tank unplugged I tested the leads for Resistance and get infinite ohms the few times I checked it with different levels of fuel. So I am thinking that the sending unit is either shot or at the very least needs attention like I seen a thread around about adjusting the wiper to make better contact inside the sending unit itself.
Now with it showing infinite ohms that should make the gas gauge itself go to the EMPTY position since the ohms increase as the float drops. Am I thinking right there? or is lack of a circuit there just freeze the needle where ever it is at?
2. Should the gas needle drop to empty whenever the key is turned off?
3. Where are the wires that I can jump to see if the needle moves or not? I found a 3 wire plug that looks similar to the service manual but the wires go the kill switch on the handlebar.
4. Here is a picture of the back of my cluster. The 3 wires going to the screws are directly behind the gas gauge. Does anyone know what each wire is for and where they go?
Im thinking for the wires: Orange- Power from ignition? Blk/Wht- Ground Ylw/Blk- Sending unit?
I did a little testing too and this where it confuses me most. Testing on the Ohm setting at 200k I think, when testing the blk/wht wire at tank connections on the bikes side of the harness and the blk/wht wire at the gas gauge I get infinite ohms. With key on and on 20V DC I dont get any voltage across any of the 3 wires at the gas gauge. Shouldnt there be power there?
Im not the greatest at electrical stuff by any means so very well may be doing something wrong. Sorry its so long but wanted to be detailed and provide all the info I could. I searched but can not find the stuff I was looking for and thought this may help future troubleshooters.
Thanks in advance