I've recently bought a gs650e, it was a non-running bike, although the previous owner did say it was running fine, when the start button was pressed nothing moved. I bought it anyways, which now i somewhat regret actually.
At any rate, i started looking into the electrical system. When you turn on the ignition everything comes on, the spedo lighting, the neutral indicator light and the oil red light, but the starting solenoid didn't actuate at all. After some investigation with the voltmeter i found out that the base of the solenoid (which is supposed to be grounded to the frame) reads a high voltage, just a few below the battery voltage. Now, given that the battery is long dead and reads 7.2V now, the ground at the solenoid reads 6.8V. I clearly have a high to frame short but i can't figure out where. The negative of the battery does screw to the top of the tranny and the area nearby there reads 0V, like it should but the air filter box reads the 6.8V. I've checked connections close to the fuse box and in the headlamp and none of them seem to be burned or tampered with. The bike has been sitting for a year though without being started, i don't know what that could have done with the electrical system.
My questions before i start digging into the wiring system once more with the voltmeter, is there a common problem on these bikes such that if any one component fails it would short the high of the battery to the frame. maybe if the R/R fails, seems to be a common problem on these models, can it ever cause such a short? Or maybe the ignitor which is at the bottom of the air filter box?
Any help and advice will be highly appreciated...i think i'm loosing hope of ever hearing this bike rumble... thanks