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Need help regarding points adjustment

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    Originally posted by 850 Combat View Post
    If it runs on 1 and 3, would it be the 1 and 4 coil that is bad, or would it be the 2 and 3 coil? Which would you suspect first?
    Yeah, I guess thats why I'm starting to suspect carburation issues, as I double checked the cables are going to the right cylinders, and that coils are supplying to 1&4 and 2&3 respectively. I havent had time to mess with this, but I'll do some voltage and ohm readings tonight and see what we come up with.


      Okay, so I tested the voltage at the black and white wires coming out of the coils, both were 12.2v with 12.4v at the battery terminals. Then I swapped the wires from 1&4 and 2&3 but the same cylinders were still not getting the pipes hot, so I guess I'll be taking the carbs back out for further cleaning and inspection. I have the o-ring kits already and did the carb boot orings on the head already, just need to double clean them and make sure the float levels are adjusted and clean and go through everything more thoroughly again.

      Thanks for all the ignition lessons guys, hopefully this thing will be running soon.


        Soak them overnight!

        You don't have to use carb soak. I used about 5 quarts of acetone.

        But soak them overnight. Instant headache solution.


