A bit of background:
I first came here about 2-3 weeks ago reporting that my bike had just flat out died while running it. Turned out I had to replace the stator, voltage regulator\rectifier, and also chose to replace the exhaust system as it was really rusty.
So I got all of that replaced, and managed to start it right up afterwards. Only problem was, it was running lean and wouldn't let me get above 40MPH when going to a gas station to fill the tires up.
So I went and took the carbs off completely and disassembled them, dipped everything, cleaned everything, ordered new jets (i had 2 #115s for main jets and 2 #45s for pilot jets. I put in 2 #130 main jets and #47.5 pilot jets. I put everything back together and back on the bike and went to start it and all it did was thu-dump-thu-dump-thu-dump over and over, trying to start. So I checked the spark plugs in each cylinder, there was fuel on the ends of the electrode, then I hung the plug next to the head and tried to crank it; the LEFT side did NOT spark, the RIGHT side DID. So I swapped the plugs, same result, nothing on the left, spark on the right.
What would cause it to now not run after it did run prior to me replacing the carb jets?
BTW, I took some voltage readings across the battery - ~11.6VDC with the key off and about ~10.8VDC with it on and cranking, going down at times to around ~9.7-~9.8VDC
PLEASE help as this is getting extremely frustrating and I've done so much work to this and now I feel like I'm regressing instead of progressing
