81 GS650L cranks but no start....every once in a while it starts and runs great.
I noticed something that I've seen on a few other GSs in that whenever it DOES START, it is always when I am LETTING OFF the starter button.. as if it catches just at the last moment. I figured a low voltage to the ignition of course like most of these bikes have..
I did a voltage drop at the coil +wire and found THREE volts gone missing!!
Where did the volts go?
To do a voltage Drop Test, you simply place the two leads of a voltmeter on both leads of a suspect component (or circuit) while powered up.
This test, I was testing the power to coil circuit. One test lead on the + BATTERY, the other on the coil + power wire.
In a COMPLETELY GOOD CIRCUIT, you would see very little voltage, as it is actually the SAME WIRE OK??
But in my case, I see 3 volts and that is a NO_NO.
I did the drop test on various things , like the ignition switch in and out and I lost .4 volts. I cleaned the switch and ended up with .2.. "OK" i guess.
The actual wiring to and from the switches was good, some connectors just simply unplugging and plugging in improved it by a .1v drop.
The most drop was in the fuse box and when initally testing it it was not nearly as bad..???
After not finding my elusive other 1.5 volt drop, I tested it again. and found THIS FUSE. It fell apart in my fingers.

I plan on replacing the fuse box with ATC spade fuses , doing a coil relay mod, and rect/reg loop elimination.
I bet it starts better!!