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79GS1000 timing question

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    uk gs nut, I see what you mean now. I'm looking at a picture of the unit. Not at home now so will have another look later.

    Mark, good to know I'm not the only one whose had this issue. Next time I pull the valve cover off I'll triple check the cams/chain installation for proper timing. Mainly whether the link count is exactly as it should be from one to the other. I've checked it, but heard others say they've slipped up on the count so I'll have another look . After that I'm running out of ideas anyway so I won't let it stop me riding.


      Robert. Btw I forgot to mention that I've actually have had two engines on my bike and the timing plate was/is the same. My current engine I purchased off ebay but was built buy a reputable shop in Tennessee. So I think you'll find that your chain count on the cam will be Correct.

