Just tested the battery a bit
- 13 volts with key off
- about 12.5 with key on, lights on but bike not started
- 14.5 volts at idle
- 16.5 volts at 4000 rpms
- up to 17volts at 6000 rpms
Seems to be a problem or two here from what I've read so far.
I've started reading the stator papers and have bought a good multimeter. My bike has two units for the regulator / rectifier which I'm seeing is rare and it's adding a challenge for me to interpret the testing procedures.
I know I'm in for a lot of learning, but as a start if I describe the wiring for the two units can anyone comment on whether it's correct, completely crazy etc..
Both units have the grey metal with fins... both mounted under the left hand panel. (sorry my camera died, no pictures). The upper left one (I'll call it UNIT 1) looks exactly like the typical regulatar/rectifier with 3 yellow wires coming out, one red and one black to ground.
The other unit (UNIT 2) has 5 wires white with bluestripe, white with red stripe, red, yellow and a black wire that loops around and grounds on the unit itself.
All three yellows from UNIT 1 head off to what I assume is the AC Generator
From UNIT 2 the red and yellow are not connected to anything, the white with blue stripe heads off to the AC Generator and the white with red strip joins up with a large bundle in the main wiring harness...