I've been waiting almost two full weeks for my new stator to arrive in the mail, and in that time, I think I may have ridden the bike once and started it up maybe two more times after that.
We've also been having some cold and rainy weather over the last few days. I don't know if this is important, but I figure I'd mention it.
I finally got the new stator today. I quickly popped open the crank case, pulled out the old stator, and threw in the new one. Once I had the case put back together, I wanted to fire the bike up to get a voltage reading on the stator. The bike started up right away, but was idling a bit sloppy, I assume because it hadn't been started in quite a few days. The bike stalled out once, and then I could not get it to start up again. It's cranking, sounds like it's ready to kick over at any second, but the motor just won't fire.
Did I make some sort of horrible mistake when I put the new stator in? It's a fairly simple process, and I think I did it properly, but now I'm worried I have to open up the crank case to make sure I didn't forget something.
Is the bike maybe just bring finicky? Is it possible to flood the carb on a bike so it won't start? Is it perhaps something to do with the length of time the bike has been sitting, combined with the cold damp weather as of late?
Any hints or suggestions are appreciated.