Put Back together the engine turns over, but I'm not getting any spark. in the wiring diagram there is 7 wires that go to the ignitor box. but my plugs only have 6 total wires and there is 8 receptacles on the box itself. the one plug goes the the signal generator and the other side should have a ground, main lead the each coil. but the plug is pooched. Can someone draw me a diagram of the plugs that shows which plug gets hooked up to which wire.
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1985 gs750es Ignitor Question
1985 gs750es Ignitor Question
ok so i was taking apart my wiring harness to remove the bulky gauge cluster and some electrical that i didn't want when i notice that i wasn't the first to repair/ alter the harness. Now Before I started the bike ran, I made sure of that so i knew.
Put Back together the engine turns over, but I'm not getting any spark. in the wiring diagram there is 7 wires that go to the ignitor box. but my plugs only have 6 total wires and there is 8 receptacles on the box itself. the one plug goes the the signal generator and the other side should have a ground, main lead the each coil. but the plug is pooched. Can someone draw me a diagram of the plugs that shows which plug gets hooked up to which wire.Tags: None
out of the 4 main tabs. which one goes where? the wires broke off the plug so I'm trying to figure out where they go again.
im in canada, thats what is says on my insurance papers. but over the years who knows what happened there.
it also has a forward mounted oil cooler.
the bike bike frame has 1" round tubing on the upper portion of the bike, and on the lower portion has 1" square tubing.
looked like the attachment when i got it but i stripped the fairing off because the engine is too nice to hide.