I appreciate the subject of stators, reg/rec's and coils is one of particular popularity (if thats the right word) on this forum, but having read through lots of previous threads as well as all the stator papers, i am still struggling with the running of my GS550E 1980. Without taking over someones thread i though i should start a new one.. although if this is the wrong thing to do, i will happily remove and add this to an existing thread.
i will try to summarize my symptoms simply below:
- Bike starts easily from cold, and runs smoothly at idle (14/1500RPM), with lights off. With lights on, the bike runs ok at idle for 10 seconds then slowly fizzles out and stalls.
- after starting several times the bike becomes more reluctant to start.
- It only seems to fire when the starter button is released, and slowly creeps to life.
- when out for a ride on the weekend, the bike seemed to drop a couple of cylinders when running this was intermittent, however at traffic lights i maintained revs at 2500rpm so not to stall as I knew the bike would refuse to start if it cut out.
- When i pulled in at a garage the bike cut out, and i was unable to start the bike again, not even by bump starting. When i pulled a spark plug out (clutch side end plug) the plug didnt appear to spark as often as the engine was turning over. the battery was still strong, and the engine was turning over as quickly as usual.
After being recovered to home, i removed the battery and put it on charge overnight. The battery is only a few weeks old and this was the first ride out using it, infact my first ride out on the bike since owning it!
This evening i have run the 6 quick electrical tests both with lights on and off. See results below.
1.) key off................12.76V (same for both)
2.) key on (but not cranking with lights for 10 sec).....Lights off - 12.41V Lights On - 12.20V
3.) at idle (1500 rpm).....Lights off - 12.94V Lights On - 12.70V
4.) at 2500 rpm Lights off - 13.90V Lights On - 14.28V
5.) at 5000 rpm.....Lights off - 14.44V Lights On - 14.37
6.) key off..... - 13.0V
I can't see much wrong with these results, but if anyone has any ideas or possible further tests i can run to try and track down whats wrong with the bike i would be very grateful.
Many thanks in advance, and sorry to you knowledgeable guys out there who have no doubt problem solved these issues for hundreds of bikes...