I finally started putting things back together this week, and when I got to connecting the battery, something very strange happened. Of course I started with the negative side connecting the main black cable as well as a small black wire that runs from one of the rectifier mounting screws. I had done this several times before. Then, as soon as I touched the positive cable to the battery post, that small black wire went up in smoke in about 1 second. It became an open circuit faster than I could lift the postive wire back off the battery, which fortunately didn't blow up in my face. The battery then needed several hours on the Battery Tender, but it seems to hold a charge just fine now.
So, obviously I had a dead short across the battery somehow, and that short is now gone. That small wire was just the weakest link, and it opened at the same time I was disconnecting the positive, but it was not the short. That mounting screw for the recifier is at ground potential and it's connected to the black wire form the rectifier. I can re-install the battery, minus that small wire to the rectifier, turn on the key, but nothing works except the neutral light and the oil light - no headlight, taillight, blinkers, and no starter, although the starter does work if I short across the solenoid. All fuses are fine, and I have checked and rechecked every wire and connection. I find no evidence of anything being frayed or overheated, and I'm quite certain everything is connected properly. I'm no stranger to electrical troubleshooting and using meters, so I'm using the wiring diagram and checking everything that's accesible, but I'm at a loss so far. What do think happened? See photo and note what's left of the small black wire pointing off to the right.