The bike has otherwise been running great. I did a full carb disassemble, soak, clean, etc and synced the carbs. I did a charging test, and I have a good charge. I have a digital voltmeter on the handlebar, and it shows around 14.4 volts when riding.
So the problem is that after riding for a bit, I'll pull up to a light and come to a stop, and the engine will just die. No sputter or delay, just like it was unplugged, so to speak. When I go to start it back up, the starter sounds strong, but the engine won't turnover. If I pull over, play with the choke, throttle and starter for a bit, I can get it to turnover. Once it turns-over it will usually start right up, and then it will run fine for miles. Sometimes it will die again at another light, sometimes it will not. It never dies while I am riding, only at idle. My idle, which needs to be adjusted down, is just under 2K, so it's not like the idle is too low.
I suspect that the problem is electrical because it dies so suddenly, and that after a few seconds of trying to start it, whatever the problem is has resolved and it starts up.
Anyone have any direction on where to start testing to figure this out? Am I looking in the right place with ignition/electrical?