Fast forward to now I want to burn the bike. The old battery quit holding a charge during the winter, it was only 8 months old. I bought a new battery 1/31/2016 charge it and install it Monday 2/1/16. I go out to start the bike today 2/2/16 16:00 and just by turning on the ignition I can tell the battery is low by how dim the lights are. I took the tank and side covers off and checked all my connections, they are still together and the heat shrink is in place. I took the rectifier off cleaned the base, hooked the rectifier ground to the base plate of the rectifier then ran a dedicated 10G wire from the ground base to the negative side of the battery cable. The battery is now charged, I've read and re-read the stator papers so here are my quick test results.
1. Key off 14.36V
2. key on 11.92v
3. Idle 11-1300rpm 13.83v
4. 2500rpms 12.6v
5. 5k rpm 12.69v These were taken at the positive battery terminal and grounded to negative cable on battery
I just want to get the bike back to where i can ride it and it doesn't have to be on a charger all night and I don't have this in the back of my mind as I ride