I have replaced the connectors on those wires which had a need for it, and made, to my knowledge, better repairs than the PO. However, they are temporary. I refuse to chase for gremlins and take out the loom during driving season.
I am searching google and fleabay for a new good looking harness, but anything used from fleabay is something I am trying to avoid. Have done that in the past and ended up with a loom that 1. didnt match up with my connectors even though they were supposed to be for the same make and model. 2. Was showing up as being used and in a somewhat bad shape even though it was marked as unused and pictures was showing something that looked brand new. (I know, pictures can be borrowed and text falsified...)
Unless I manage to find a dealer who happen to have an unused harness laying around at their shelves, I am thinking of making a new one by hand.
I am for sure not a good electrician, but continuity tests is nothing hard to do. Measuring the resistance is not a very hard thing to do either I have found, at lease as long as I know what values to look for, and which would be considered "out of spec".
If I am going down this road, i plan on finding and old harness in unusable shape, as long as its for the correct make and model (1982 Gs850 G) to have as a reference for length and gauge of wires, and to pull sockets from to re-use unless badly damaged.
I also plan on taking the spare harness to an electrics shop and try source all wires in exact gauge and colors to make an as exact replica as possible.
Questions are now, is there someone of you who can give me some advices on this?
Am i looking at a too advanced project? What do I need to know beforehand? Any do's and don'ts?
It's a long time ahead befor I will even considet starting the project, but since I can't let go of the thoughs, I thought I might at least get the questions out there to see if its even doable for me with the little knowledge I got in electronics.
And as a last though before posting... is this even correct forum for this? Should I have posted in another part of the forum? If so, can an administrator please move the thread to where it belongs?