So my beauty/beast was riding well up until about a month ago when it started sputtering and losing power, then wouldn't start (although it would crank). I figured that it was likely the coils and figured that they could use replacing, so although I am on a limited budget, I purchased a new set of coils to install. My old ones, although I didn't test them, looked like hell and the symptoms pointed to coils.
(My old coils)
So I replaced the old Dyna coils with an [essentially] generic set of coils that mimic the Dyna coils in that they are 3ohm, 12 volt dual output, 30k volts. I removed my Dyna coils and plugged the wires into the same place on my new coils. I plugged the coils into the mounting bracket, although it didn't fit with the spacer as with the Dyna coil. I removed the spacer, and just mounted the coils as such:
I used the already existing wires from my Dyna coils (orange and black to my coil #2 and white and orange to my coil #1) and connected them to my new coils. The new coils came with wires as well, but I chose not to use them since my other wires appeared to be in good condition (only difference seems to be the connector on the green wires).
So, essentially, despite everything that you guys see, my motorcycle isn't even cranking. I checked all the dumb stuff (my battery is connected and charged [12.5 volts], the kill switch was on, all connections appear to be solid, and my plugs seem to be connected). Before I changed my coils, and when I suspected it to be my coils, I changed my spark plug wires (changed to 8mm instead of 7mm) and even still it didn't crank. Thus, I bought these coils, but still the same issue. I saw somewhere that you are supposed to trim the outer insulation about 0.5" to expose the inner wire, fold the inner wire over to make something like a loop, then clamp on the terminal as below:
Blurry, but the black wire is the inner wire exposed after clipping back the outer insulation
Putting the loop in the wire
Tough to see, but you can see a slight loop in the wire, the terminal clamped over it.
I have fuel, my spark plugs are all almost brand new, my connections all seem to be good and my coils are brand new. I used pliers and pulled the male end of my wires into the secondary side of my terminals, so they should hypothetically be making good contact, but it is not cranking at all. I would assume that it would have something to do with the exposure of my inner wire/the wire loop/the male and female connections of my coils, but I am wildly inexperienced; this is my first venture with coils and so far I am lost/fed up/hate it. Can anyone help to guide me as to what to do next?
Any help is so greatly appreciated.