So my bike (1981 GS1000) hasn't been running for many weeks now, I traced it back to coils and then it ran for a little while and then my ignitor went as well. So I installed two new dyna coils, new spark plugs, and a new dyna s. I now have spark and that is a good blue color, so I'm assuming it should be hot enough to ignite the fuel. When I try and start it though, nothing happens. I tried dozens of times and one time it sputtered for a split second, but nothing otherwise. I cracked the bolt on the bottom of one of the carb bowls and I got fuel to leak out (have also tried to start it with the petcock on "prime" and "on", just in case), so there should be fuel I think. I went back to check my timing though and something is screwed up there I think. There are three timing marks on the back plate one at the beginning of the 1&4 side one in marked F and One marked T (they pass by the stationary timing mark in that order when the bike is turning over). I attached a test light to the orange and white wire going to the 1&4 and the white ground going to 1&4. When I manually turn the engine over, the test light will turn on after the T mark and stay on through the the whole rotation (even through the 2&3 side) and then turn off for a short part of the rotation between the F mark & the T mark on the 1&4 side and then turn back on after the T mark on the 1&4 side. This sounds completely backwards to me and opposite of the videos I've watched, but this is my first time ever trying to do timing. I would think it would turn on for a short time around the F and T mark and off the rest of the time. I have attached pictures to help visualize where the F mark is, where it turns off after the F mark and where it turns on after the T mark. Please someone help
Thank you in advance!
(Sorry if I actually don't post the photos or screw them up because I am having a hard time figuring out how to do it from saved photos on my computer)