just got everything back together today - put a new battery and fresh gas in - turned key, clicked starter button - nothing, not even a "click" so right away thinking starter circuit issues.. jumped the relay starter and it started up right away. (runs decent btw)
many would say replace the starter relay right off the bat but I've read a few threads now where people are saying "make sure theres a good ground to the relay" the real question.. is there a reason why the battery box isn't grounded (are the rubber grommets between the frame and battery box for isolation from ground or just to dull vibration?) and would it be ok to go ahead and add ground under the starter relay mounting screw? - in doing so grounding the battery box.
side note: just before I started the bike I oiled the throttle cable, because it was sticking, and to do that I took apart the throttle assembly on the handlebars, which also includes the starter button and switch... so theres a strong chance the issue could be caused by me removing that assembly and maybe moving or breaking an already corroded wire or connection point BUT it was getting late and decided ill troubleshoot in the morning. but again is it ok to ground the battery box?