The "new" $50 units are not at all the same, they are garbage, a chinese knockoff with crude internal components
So you were told that "it is not points if there is an electronic ignition attached to it."
This is a very misinformed statement unless you have a Martek box external to the pulse generator ignition modules... or an OEM Suzuki 1980+ electronic ignition.
The electronic ignition would take the place of the points, and additionally, if it were the later generation of the old school Martek optical triggered electronic ignition, then there would be a seperate box attached externally. Dyna-S does not have an additional electronic ignition attached to it externally, neither does the early Dyna system, neitger does the early Martek system, neither does the C5 optically triggered ignition
So if you have an electronic ignition, it would be where the points were previously, and all you have to do is take out three little 5mm or smaller screws to check this. PLEASE by all means, do this, and post a picture! Riggt side engine case little round cover. The 1977-79 points will have a heat resistant cloth type fabric insulation sleeve over two wires, a black and a white. Electronic such as Dyna and Martek will have a plasticized/rubbery sleeve insulating the individual wires
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