I’ve started to mock it up but a few questions come to mind. Here’s a pic of what I’m working with.
Don’t know why the picture is upside down. Nor do I know how to make it right side up.
I’ve mocked up a cardboard bracket to move the starter relay down and slightly to the left to clear the SH775 connector. But the bolt hidden behind the SH775 that will hold the homemade bracket to the original plate interferes with the SH775.
So my question is, does the SH775 need to have its shinny backside in full contact with the plate it mounts to keep it cool?
Or can I try and mount the Sh775 with standoffs to hold it 1/4” to 3/8” away from the mounting plate so that it will clear the bolt head behind it and run some wires behind the SH775?
I don’t think I can lower the starter relay any more for fear it will contact the chain guard when the rear suspension is in compression, but one of the starter solenoid mounting bolts hits a bracket behind the mocked up plate. Maybe one bolt would be enough to hold the starter relay, but I hate to compromise.
This fabrication stuff is realy unnerving me!