I swapped the coil that runs cylinder 1 & 4 with the coil that runs 2 & 3. Both coils with run 1 & 4. Both coils fail with 2 & 3.
I'm now trying to track this problem down using the clymer manual and it's making me want to track down and torture the writer. I'm not educated with electrical work but I do know how to follow instructions so if any one can give me better instructions on how to track this electrical gremlin down it would be much appreciated.
Just please don't say things like 'use the R1 scale for ohms'. There's no damn R1 scale written anywhere on any multimeter I've ever seen so what the hell do you mean clymer. Or just give really vague instructions like 'disconnect the connector and check the signal generator side' but then fail to identify which side is the signal generator side. It's not that hard to say check the end with the female connection or male. It's cramped in there and the engine is still hot, I can't just shove my hand in there and tracked where the wires are going. Come on Clymer, put a little effort into this. Sorry, I had to vent about that horrible half assed manual.