Second, while strobing cylinder No. 3 I discovered that its' firing was sparatic-3 flashes on, 5 hits no flash, 4 flashes, 2 hits nothing, 2 strobes, 3 nothing, etc, etc.
Immediately began assuming points/condenser isssues, so to affirm my thoughts I moved the timing light's inductor to cylinder No. 2 - and it was rock solid with a strobe at every hit. Back to cylinder No.3-still sparatic.
Tore down the plug cap (which removed from lead far too easily...hmmm), spring & resistor core looked a bit heat stressed, otherwise OK. Cut 1/4" off lead & re-attached plug cap with affirmation (!). Start up, strobe still sparatic. Pulled plug, looked dry/sooty; replaced with known good plug...and then ran out of time.
Question: Has or would a failing coil present these symptoms or can I rule it out? The HT leads appear OK but are original to the bike ('78 GS750E), as are the plugs & caps (points/condensers look new-ish). If I find the symptoms still there I'll swap out the cap next, but I'm kinda hell-bent over true originality wherever I can be including common-wear components.
Your thoughts greatly appreciated. TIA.