2 - 3 months ago, I wanted to (cold) start my GS850, pushed the button, engine turned over fluently but did not start yet.
So I opened the choke, wanted to start again, pushed the button, "nothing"... just a click.
At first I thought I'd check the battery voltage: 12,... V (don't know the exact voltage anymore, but it's hooked up to the charger when not in use and should be full at all times)
Then I checked that I did hear a click from the solenoid, and it did click.
Then I checked the starter motor and noticed that it was completely *@%^$*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$ed inside... It was worn out and beyond repair.
So I sourced another starter, received it yesterday, installed it, pushed the start button, "nothing"...

When hooked up to my car battery, the starter runs smooth though...
It seems to be a faulty battery now, but it still has 12,3V although the voltage drops to 10-ish volts when just turning the key on... And the voltage between the (activated) solenoid and the frame is 9-ish V... Too low to turn over the starter I guess. It's not even moving a little. It probably can't provide the needed current anymore.
Is it possible that the battery somehow got damaged when the original starter motor cut out? Because the battery seemed to be fine before the starter gave up, and now it's a plastic box'o crap. I will replace it when the stores here in Belgium open up again, but I wanted to check with you, smart GS people, first to make sure I will not damage the new one!
thx! Maxim