Just got it going for the season now that the snow is gone here and it is starting to get warm enough.
Recently took starter out and cleaned it up and reinstalled so now starter is working great no more just click then hit with a hammer....
replaced the valve gasket as there was a oil leak from the old gasket....
So after all that it took it out for a few small rides no issues. yesterday went for a 20 KM ride ran great. stopped at my parents place to say high put it on the side stand and serious leak started. noticed it was coming out of the airbox connected to the carbs. bike would not start seemed like to much pressure built up.
finally got a good push start ran fine for another 2 km to home.
when i got home no more leak. so i believe the petcock was not set right after the starter removal. while looking bike over i noticed that the RHS spark plug cap had some liquid on it so i pulled it off to see what it was just a bit or oil not sure what from so cleaned it off and kept checking bike (did not put it back on) did not see any more leak (on centre stand) went to start turned over a couple of times then heard something from the fuse box area then nothing.....
after the key is turned i do not even get lights on the dash at first then the oil and neutral light become faint. Walked away for the night and put it on the charger.\\
today charger and battery show full charge. turn key faint lights again got one click from the solenoid but then nothing. turn engine switch to off light go full but in run faint lights. but nothing from the starter. no headlight no nothing. i have checked all fuses then are intact. do not see any bad connections.
I do not know where to start m trouble shooting? just took my rear tire off as i am getting a new one installed tomorrow and it is a cold rainy day today so a great day to work on the bike in a heated garage.
Thanks for any ideas.....

1980 GS550L