I just bought my first bike (GS450L '83) and working on my license. Sadly that's going slower due to covid19.
A little backstory:
After testing the bike, which ran fine and rode nice as well, I bought it and my girlfriend rode it 90km homeward. According to her it was a really nice ride, smooth and comfortable.
When we entered our street the bike suddenly died and the starter wouldn't turn anymore. The lights did turn on, but only faintly. We pushed it the last few 100 meters.
Main suspect: battery wasn't charging, or it was dead. Turns out the battery is new and after charging it the bike starts without issues. Checking the voltage while running: it doesn't charge.
I found another possible problem: the brake light would work, but the rear light wouldn't. Changing the bulb fixed that. This might be an electrical issue somewhere(r/r related?

So I'll have to go through the stator papers this weekend. My brother who's an electrician is also coming for some wrenching, should be fun.
A replacement stator was sent to me by the seller, I think he felt bad for me. So I can go as far as replacing the stator on the check list.
As for the r/r, that is a different question, they seem to be quite expensive here so I want to know what my options are.
As a complete bike noob I've quite a bit of learning to do but I am eager to get this bike running and in tip top shape for spring.
For the r/r I have a few questions after going through quite a few topics here and reading bikecliffs r/r compatibility list.
- How do I know if a r/r is series or shunt? In some topics here it was mentioned that any SHxxx unit is series and the FH-xxx units are shunt. Is this always the case?
- Is the list on bikecliffs site complete, and are no other units compatible?
- There are years listed for bikes (CBR1000RR 06-07). Are parts from bikes from other years not compatible even if the part number for the r/r (e.g. SH538) is the same?
- If the list is not complete, how do I find out if an r/r is compatible? (seems most r/r's are insanely expensive her compared to the US, think 3x as much).
- Is a SHINDENGEN SH532-12 compatible, which is not on the list(I found one for a "decent" price)?
Thanks in advance.
Any tips / critiques are always welcome.