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Trick to pulling stator from cover?
Trick to pulling stator from cover?
So I am in the process of polishing my engine covers. The stator cover is quite corroded and I am trying to remove the stator so that I can use my polishing wheel without winding the wires up in it and causing all kinds of grief, also want to use chemical stripper on the cover so would like to get the emblem off before doing that, use a heat gun and just pry it off?. Done lots of searches here and on Bikecliff but can't figure out how to get the stator out without a lot of prying and don't want to break anything. It almost seems like it was pressed in at the factory?? I took the three JIS screws out but the stator is still hanging on tightly. Any advice? should be easy right? ThanksJonesz
1979 GS850 current project
1978 GL1000-naked
1983 GL1100-Aspencade stripped
1999 Valkyrie Tourer-long ride bikeTags: None
As for the emblem the heat gun idea may work along with getting a thin scraper under it and prize it off,
you may find that whilst heating the case to remove the emblem the stator may break lose, not knowing what bike you have does not help it is a good idea to put it in your signature so when you post everyone can see what bike you are posting about.
I have changed a few stators and have not had a problem I am wondering given that you state there is quite a lot of corrosion on the case if water has been getting inside and caused oxidisation on the mountings.The big guy up there rides a Suzuki (this I know)
1981 gs850gx
1999 RF900
past bikes. RF900
gsx 750f x2
197cc Francis Barnett
various British nails
All good advice so far, but you should also know that once you remove the emblem, it's basically trash. If you cared enough to want to remove it, you likely won't want the wrinkled emblem back on the bike. New emblems are relatively inexpensive. Get one for the other side, too, so they match.
I have polished quite a few engine covers. Only one stator cover has NOT had the stator in it. It's not really much of a problem. And, ... applying some stripper with at least a modest amount of care, you will not endanger your emblem, so its removal may not be necessary.
mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
#1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
#2 son: 1980 GS1000G
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Thanks all for the info. I think I am going to polish the cover with the stator in and the heat gun took the emblem off no problem. Unless I have trouble gluing it back on, likely with double sided gorilla tape will wait to order a replacement. Carefully used a heat gun and pried it off gently. No wrinkles or bends.Jonesz
1979 GS850 current project
1978 GL1000-naked
1983 GL1100-Aspencade stripped
1999 Valkyrie Tourer-long ride bike
Agree with heat and tapping, but have never had one stick - once I broke the phillips screws free with impact and JIS bit, they have always come right out. As for the emblem, I remember when restoring my '82 Katana about 17 years ago how surprised I was that I could get a flawless inexpensive replacement, and how satisfying it was to put it on, the crowning touch. Same for my GS1100E I just finished, and only about $15 each. Like my friend says "here's $15, make me one of these" haha. I love the look of a new emblem on a freshly polished case, looks so sweet.Tom
'82 GS1100E Mr. Turbo
'79 GS100E
Other non Suzuki bikes
I hear you on the new emblem Tom and being a bit anal probably will order one with my next parts order. As you say only a few bucks and a crowning touch after going to all all the effort to polish the cover.Jonesz
1979 GS850 current project
1978 GL1000-naked
1983 GL1100-Aspencade stripped
1999 Valkyrie Tourer-long ride bike
What kind of bike and emblem are we talking about here? If it's an early type emblem they are no longer available so you need to save your original if you want the bike to look stock. I've had good sucess using a heat gun and carefully prying off the emblem. Then, assuming it's not too thrashed, spray it with some semigloss black paint and let dry. When dry take a sanding block with some 600 grit sandpaper and kiss the top of the letters and remove the paint thus making the emblem look stock with the silver highlighted letters. If you have a later bike with a different emblem ignore what I just said...Ed
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Ed I got it off with a heat gub & no damage and I have updated my signature to show my bike as suggested (79 GS850). Will give your method a try before buying a new one. The Partsfiches show they are still available so I will be able to experiment with the old one.Jonesz
1979 GS850 current project
1978 GL1000-naked
1983 GL1100-Aspencade stripped
1999 Valkyrie Tourer-long ride bike